Saturday, May 23, 2020
Zora Neale Hurston and Racial Equality Essay - 1284 Words
Zora Neale Hurston and Racial Equality On September eighteenth, nineteen thirty-seven, Their Eyes Were Watching God, one of the greatest novels of this century, was published. It was met with mixed reviews. The major (white) periodicals found it enjoyable and simple, while black literary circles said it carries no theme, no message (Wright,1937). These evaluations are not mutually exclusive, but rather demonstrate the conception of Hurstons work as telling whites what they want to hear and not dealing with racism. While Hurston did receive recognition during her life, she died forgotten and wasnt considered one of Americas greatest writers until recently. Why did luminaries such as Richard Wright and Langston Hughes deny†¦show more content†¦Only intellectual, open-minded whites will get it. However, this is not the group that needs their perception altered. Maybe people between these two groups are the target. These individuals will still either understand or not, so there seems to be negligible benefit from thi s approach. Does Hurston owe her race anything? When does anyone owe anything? Parents owe it to their children to raise them well; Tenants owe their landlords rent. These relationships were formed by choice. Hurston never chose her race, but she did live in Eatonville, and was raised by its African-American community. Is that where her debt came from? Children do not owe their parents for their room and board when they move out. They have the choice to raise their own children or not. If the debts of family disappear after each generation, how can debts persist among people untold generations separated? It is admirable for children to choose to help their parents, and African-Americans to choose to help their race, but they have no obligation. The most inportant question is whether Hurstons books further racial equality or not. Langston Hughes certainly didnt think so, calling her a perfect darkie. He believed whites paid her for being their happy stereotype so they could feel okay about blacks inequality (Hughes,1940). Likewise, Alain Locke criticized her avoidance of interracial confrontations (Locke,1938), as did Richard Wright and Ralph EllisonShow MoreRelatedHow it Feels to be Colored Me by Hurston and Hughes’ The Negro Mother1229 Words  | 5 PagesZora Neale Hurston vs Langston Hughes on the African American Experience Both Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes were great writers but their attitudes towards their personal experience as an African American differed in many ways. These differences can be attributed to various reasons that range from gender to life experience but even though they had different perceptions regarding the African American experience, they both shared one common goal, racial equality through art. 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While Hurston can be considered one of the greats of African-American literature, it’s only recently that interest in her has been revived after decades of neglect (Peacock 335). Sadly, Hurston’sRead MoreZora Neale Hurston Essay1890 Words  | 8 Pageswriting. An expression of black culture represented an equality and a pride in a race that for hundreds of years was supposedly second-class. This movement spawned the some of the most acclaimed African-American authors to date such as Langston Hughes, Wallace Thurman as well as Zora Neale Hurston; one of the most infamous and revolutionary authors the Harlem Renaissance would produce. Understanding the ideals and themes of Zora Neale Hurston comes with an understanding of the upbringing and childhoodRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Essay1106 Words  | 5 PagesIn 1904, Hurstons mother died and her father remarried to Matte Moge shortly after. Hurston then was sent away to a Baptist boarding school in Jacksonville, Florida where eventually her father stopped paying her tuition and the school had no choice but to expelled her. Nonetheless, she began working and saved up enough money to begin attending Morgan College in 1917 where she began her literary career. Hurston was closely associated with the Harlem Renaissance being one of the pre-eminent writersRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance Poetry1097 Words  | 4 Pagestenderness and a longing for a better time and better place. Perhaps better than any other music in history, the blues speaks about poverty and making ends meet, merging poetry with music to convey even more universal sadness (Wintz, 2007). Zora Neale Hurston was heavily influenced by Langston Hughes, and represented a more feminist view of the Renaissance movement. Her works are not hyper-feminist, though, but a unique mix of a pining for Black culture mixed with a dose of self-expression and bewildermentRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance By Langston Hughes, Zora Hurston And Countee Cullen1475 Words  | 6 Pagesback, it is perspicuous that the years 1914-1945 made a vast alteration in our nation’s outlook from the skills and talents of the valiant African-Americans; along with the authors that wrote to divulge their struggles such as Langston Hughes, Zora Hurston and Countee Cullen. The Harlem Renaissance was a period of modernism from 1914-1945 that enabled the African-American culture to thrive. In particular: author’s writings, jazz music and artists, incorporated their culture through their expressiveRead More Finding Hope in Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay3095 Words  | 13 PagesFinding Hope in Their Eyes Were Watching God    Their Eyes Were Watching God recognizes that there are problems to the human condition, such as the need to possess, the fear of the unknown and resulting stagnation. But Hurston does not leave us with the hopelessness of Fitzgerald or Hemingway, rather, she extends a recognition and understanding of humanitys need to escape emptiness. Dem meatskins is got tuh rattle tuh make out theys alive (183) Her solution is simple: Yuh got tuh goRead MoreAnalysis Of Zora Neale Hurston s The Eyes Were Watching God 2388 Words  | 10 PagesZora Neale Hurston grew up in a predominantly African American town and because of how she grew up, she did not experience the segregation and prejudice that other African Americans felt in their daily lives until she moved from her hometown at a much older age. Because her community was predominantly colored, she grew up embracing her ethnicity instead of learning she should feel ashamed of her ethnicity and the white people surrounding her ha d more worth. Hurston, shows in her works Their EyesRead MoreThe Effects Of Racial Discrimination On Brazil s Situation By Disproving The Idea That It Is A Racial Democracy1603 Words  | 7 PagesWriter’s Statement In my writing, I wanted to portray the negative effects of racial discrimination while also criticizing Brazil’s situation by disproving the idea that it is a ‘racial democracy’. Furthermore, through the use of Brazil, I also wanted to bring awareness to the inequality that is present not only in Brazil, but also in the entire world, potentially even making a call for action. To do this, I decided to focus mainly on using statistics to clearly demonstrate this inequality, appealing
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Determining If a Number Is Prime
A prime number is a numeral that is greater than 1 and cannot be divided evenly by any other number except 1 and itself. If a number can be divided evenly by any other number not counting itself and 1, it is not prime and is referred to as a composite number. Factors vs. Multiples When working with prime numbers, students should know the difference between factors and multiples. These two terms are easily confused, but factors are numbers that can be divided evenly into the given number, while multiples are the results of multiplying that number by another. Additionally, prime numbers are whole numbers that must be greater than one, and as a result, zero and 1 are not considered prime numbers, nor is any number less than zero. The number 2 is the first prime number, as it can only be divided by itself and the number 1. Using Factorization Using a process called factorization, mathematicians can quickly determine whether a number is prime. To use factorization, you need to know that a factor is any number that can be multiplied by another number to get the same result. For instance, the prime factors of the number 10 are 2 and 5 because these whole numbers can be multiplied by one another to equal 10. However, 1 and 10 are also considered factors of 10 because they can be multiplied by one another to equal 10. In this case, the prime factors of 10 are 5 and 2, since both 1 and 10 are not prime numbers. An easy way for students to use factorization to determine if a number is prime is by giving them concrete counting items like beans, buttons, or coins. They can use these to divide objects into ever-smaller groups. For example, they could divide 10 marbles into two groups of five or five groups of two. Using a Calculator After using the concrete method as described in the previous section, students can use calculators and the concept of divisibility to determine whether a number is prime. Have students take a calculator and key in the number to determine whether it is prime. The number should divide into a whole number. For example, take the number 57. Have students divide the number by 2. They will see that the quotient is 27.5, which is not an even number. Now have them divide 57 by 3. They will see that this quotient is a whole number: 19. So, 19 and 3 are factors of 57, which is, then, not a prime number. Other Methods Another way to find if a number is prime is by using a factorization tree, where students determine the common factors of multiple numbers. For instance, if a student is factoring the number 30, she could begin with 10 x 3 or 15 x 2. In each case, she continues to factorâ€â€10 (2 x 5) and 15 (3 x 5). The end result will yield the same prime factors: 2, 3, and 5 because 5 x 3 x 2 30, as does 2 x 3 x 5. Simple division with pencil and paper can also be a good method for teaching young learners how to determine prime numbers. First, divide the number by 2, then by 3, 4, and 5 if none of those factors yields a whole number. This method is useful to help someone just starting out to understand what makes a number prime.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
External and Internal Factors Free Essays
Management is a universal concept because its principles and techniques are used all over the world, irrespective of their level of development. The basic objective of the management is the progress of people and not the direction of things. The conservative explanation of management is obtaining work done through its people, but the factual management refers to the development of people through work. We will write a custom essay sample on External and Internal Factors or any similar topic only for you Order Now The management should make the difficulties interesting and their solutions productive for the team members so that everyone can deal with these situations. Management has to provide effective leadership, promote team spirit, set in motion bilateral and multi-lateral channels of communication and enroll the participation of its people, commitment and contribution through an appropriate system of financial and non-financial incentives. Functions of Management The four basic functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The internal or external factors of an organization influence the ongoing process of an organization. They create an impact on the above-mentioned functions of the management. An impact of these internal and external factors will help in modifying the organization culture. Planning refers to designing policies and procedures to build up production or service capabilities, or to diversify its business and extend its existing capacities. Organizing refers to as the management of resources – material and immaterial. Once a plan is made, it comes to the implementation phase. Further it moves toward the leading phase. To have a desired result, creative strategy is appropriately monitored and evaluated. Globalization The combination of national economies into an international economy through various deals between the different countries along with the foreign direct investment all refers to globalization. Proper planning and organizing have to be done while planning for globalization. It involves various material and immaterial resources to be used in exchange of the interrelated processes between the borders. To understand the impact of internal and external factors, the example of ATT is taken. American Telephone and Telegraph Company (ATT) is the largest fixed telephone company in the United States. The American Bell Telephone Company established ATT in 1885. According to ATT (2007), â€Å"Today’s companies are realizing that growth abroad must be supported by corresponding IT investments†(Convergence as a global competitive driver, Para. 13). When globalization is in play, ATT uses platforms as a planning key because organizations are seeking to maximize their voice and investments; trying to reduce their communication costs. ATT will stay organized by integrating multiple communication channels and increasing the richness of communications to the people who need it. Integrating the companies, which are working with ATT, will be able to arrive at decisions in shorter time and enhance their workflow. In leading in globalization, ATT has experts who have in-depth consultancy and experience to relate technology to business quickly; this leading will keep ATT in control by forming tighter lines with their customers, partners, and vendors. ATT can delegate globalization responsibilities by using services they provide and distribute it through there strategists, engineers, and specialists who can help achieve their goals in globalization. Technology One of the most revolutionary technological advances of the time is the Internet. Our corporate and personal culture quickly became dependent on this technology and has influenced every other aspect of lives, but eve n more so for ATT. Cell phone companies are racing to keep up with the growing demand from business and individual customers who want, and need, to be connected continuously. When a new technology or an up-graded version is adopted in an organization, it affects the existing planning. The new modifications have to be done so that the new technology adopted fits in and is aligned with the organization. To carry out for each of the norms of the company and to be periodically evaluated needs to be done properly. ATT has remained on the border of technology, because of its inception in 1877 as The Bell Telephone Company, the predecessor of ATT (ATT, 2010). Today, these new technologies vary from IP network management to automatic speech recognition and next- generation text-to-speech products. To maintain this impressive record of innovation, takes thorough planning, and vision. ATT is equally committed to the bond they the share with one another and their customers; their focus on technology leadership and innovation; and a culture of commitment (ATT, 2010). These high-tech gadgets have made it possible for professionals to stay connected to work anytime, anywhere via cell phone, personal digital assistants, smart phones, and laptops. However, â€Å"using technology effectively is more than a matter of learning new skills; it also involves making judgments about when and where to apply the technology for maximum benefit†(Bateman Snell, 2009, Para. One p. 9) Innovation Innovative systems and processes need proper planning and organizing. The requirements of the innovative system should be properly managed and taken into consideration. Also new creative ideas should be developed in the organization and properly monitored so as to create liveliness in the organization and avoid monotony in the system. The four factors of management extensively come in to play when concerning innovation. When ATT has a new product is being advertised there are many procedures that need to be done. First, planning on how they are going to advertise the new product can truly make or break the sales of the device. When planning a big sale, the company needs to organize how they will handle all the extra people coming in. They may need to have more people on staff and organize how they will all the extra products until they have sold them. They also need to know how to keep all the plans for the sale organized to make sure everything is done for the sale. Innovation is not new for AT; new products and new service plans seem to come out all the time. A good manager needs to lead and control the situation and store when the business has large sales of new items. A good way that they can do this is to delegate some of the work to other employees. If the managers have the employees do tasks that they can handle it will make everything run more smoothly. Making sure that everything is ready for the sale of a new product is the manager’s job and by delegating work to others helps in making sure that everything needs to be finished in a timely manner. This is when leadership and control come in handy. Managers need to have positive leadership with their employees and control to make sure everything is done correctly. Diversity One of the primary internal factors from the four functions of management at ATT is the diverse demographics of its workforce. Demographics are defined as â€Å"measures of various characteristics of people who make up groups or other social units†(Bateman Snell, 2009, Para. Three p. 56). Demographic classification categories include characteristics such as age, race, religion, gender, family size, national origin, sexual preference, income, education, and geographic location. ATT executive acknowledge that the diversity of its workforce better enables them to meet the demands of its diverse customer base. In support of this philosophy ATT has planned for workforce inclusion, community involvement, multicultural marketing, and supplier diversity (ATT, 2010). To build a dynamic organization, ATT invested 244 million in training programs and 1. 2 million in health care and retirement benefits. ATT also supports workers union affiliations, providing avenues for workers to negotiate fair wages and benefits and actively participate collectively in negotiations (ATT, 2010). Management is proud to lead a diverse workforce, of whom 41% is female and 38% is of ethnic origin. Reward systems are performance-based and employees are provided with opportunities to develop their professional careers through initiatives such as Talent Development Program and Accelerated Development Program. ATT management recognizes that talented and dedicated employees can be inspired to achieve team and organizational goals (ATT, 2010). Control of the management functions are exercised by carefully monitoring performance and implementing changes when necessary. For example, ATT requires, and assists diverse suppliers to include global strategies, such as supporting minority, women, and disabled veterans business enterprises. Ethics Ethical dilemmas are very common these days. The management needs to take proper tools to plan and control it. The manager should possess the delegation skills that mean that he should be acquainted with the ability to get the work done by using the skills, abilities, and time of the other people. It has been quoted that â€Å"effective delegation is a vital survival skill for supervisors and managers†(Effective Delegation Skill, 2002). Managers can use delegation skills for enhancing productivity, imparting training, reducing workloads, etc. The impact of globalization requires the approval of the top management. At this level, there is a huge possibility of taking a firm decision. The guidance of state or local federal agencies is also required. When organizing, the basic tasks of the managers are to manage the planning and the monitoring phase in a way to obtain the set goals. Managers in the innovation phase can take decisions related with the new up-gradations and technologies to be used. The managers at the top level should keep a proper check on each level of the management. Every phase should be properly managed and an effective decision has to be taken at each level. References How to cite External and Internal Factors, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Space Propulsion Essay Example For Students
Space Propulsion Essay The following is a research project on Space Vehicle Propulsion. It shallconsist of four sections, each discussing specific topics. Section One lays outthe basic ideas of rocketry. Section Two compares Rocket Propulsion Systems, andshows the basis for the comparison. It also shows how each specific RocketSystem works and Section Three gives a description of how Space Propulsion hasevolved and contains a conclusion. SECTION 1 The Basics Section One is a briefdescription of the basic properties of Rocket Systems. It defines the key termsand shows how a basic rocket works. It also shows the State if The Art. I havechosen to do my project on space vehicle propulsion. Basically, this means thatmy research shall be based primarily on rocketry. Rocketry is a way ofpropulsion that has developed in numerous ways since it was first used to propelfireworks in the 16th century. It has emerged into an extremely complicatedscience that few actually understand. Most space rocketry in America is use d inNASA (National Aeronautics and Space Association) space projects. NASA, agovernment association that focuses on space exploration, is the main user ofrocket technology. It is used mostly to power their satellites and shuttles intospace. Pushing an object that weighs as much as a space shuttle does directlyvertical until escaping the Earths atmosphere requires a tremendous amount ofpower. This is why NASA uses rockets. Rockets are essentially the most powerfulforms of propulsion there is today. Space Vehicle Propulsion is based rocketengines. The basic principle of rocket engine is that when fuel is burned in theengine, the reaction mass is expelled at high speeds. As a result of Newtonslaw of action and reaction this pushes the vehicle in the opposite direction ofthe one in which the reaction mass is moving. Thrust is the force that theengine exerts on all space behind it in order to push the vehicle forward. Efficiency is the way that the quality of rocket engines is measured by. It ismeasured by the time it takes for one kilogram of propellant to create onekilogram of thrust. The goal of my research is to find out what makes theseengines more efficient. In rocketry, the state of the art is extremely hard todefine, since there are so many different forms of rocketry ranging from liquidpropellant rockets to fireworks. The state of the art though is probably nuclearpowered rockets. It is much more efficient because it does not use chemicalcombustion like most rockets do. Instead NFRRs (Nuclear Fission Reactor Rockets)heat hydrogen in a fission reactor which expels the propellant at blisteringspeeds. Much research is being done with NFRRs. They are still highlyexperimental because of the dangers that could be associated with them. TheNERVA (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application) was one of the mostextensive NFRR research projects, however it failed because of the inabilityfigure out an approach to putting the research into a developmental stage. SECTION 2 Specific Rocket Propulsion Systems Section One has laid the foundationfor further research in the are of rocketry. Section two shall discussproperties of efficiency in more depth, it shall lay out the types of rockets inexistence now. It shall also show which type of rocket is the most efficient. After this section, the next one shall describe how the reasons for thesespecific rockets efficiency and depending on the outcome of that report, thetopic of the fourth shall be decided. EFFICIENCY Efficiency is the mostimportant part of my research as yet. Since the object of my research is to findout which type of rockets are the most efficient and why, the reader of thispaper must have a basic understanding of efficiency. Once this is established,new definitions will come into play, all of these shall be crucial in theunderstanding of the paper. Terms Needed To Understand Efficiency G- a unit ofacceleration equal to 9.8 meters/second/second (accelerating at a pace of 9.8meters per second every second) Specific Impulse (Isp)- A measurement inseconds of efficiency. Properties of Efficiency Efficiency is the most accurateindicator of rockets performance. As stated in the aforementioned definitions,specific impulse is the basic unit of measurement of rocket efficiency. Isp isfound by dividing the exhaust velocity by g (definition also mentioned above). Since velocity is measured in m/s (meters per second) and each g is equal to 9.8m/s/s (meters per second every second), the terms cancel to leave just a unit inseconds. The resulting figure, is the duration of time for which one kilogram ofpropellant can produce one kilogram of thrust. Thus, a higher number representsa better, and more efficient rocket. To give the reader an idea of the averageIsp of several type of rockets, I have listed some average figures forefficiency of certain types of rockets below. Average Efficiencies of CertainRockets Next, I have listed the Isp values for some basic types of rockets. After that I shall explain some of the most well known types of rockets. BasicRocket Types An RPS (rocket propulsion system) is a powerplant that pushes avehicle forward by ejecting matter that is stored within the vehicle. Thismatter is called propellant. The propellant is the most crucial part of moving avehicle through space. Their energy source, the vehicles they are used on, andthe type of propellant classify the specific types of systems. Liquid PropellantRockets All LPRs (Liquid Propelled Rockets) contain the same basic devices. Thenext paragraph shall discuss these functions and examine their purpose. Thefirst such device is the thrust chamber. The thrust chamber contains aninjector, a combustion chamber and a nozzle. The thrust chamber is the placewhere the propellants are injected, atomized, then mixed and finally burned toform reaction products in the form of gas. Next, the products are acceleratedand ejected at extremely high velocities to create thrust. The injector is a series of pipes that allow the liquid propellant to move into the combustionchamber chamber to be made into thrust while atomizing and mixing them. Theexhaust nozzle is the last step in the releasing of thrust. It allows the hotgas to expand and then accelerates them to supersonic velocities. On somevehicles, the nozzle acts as a steering mechanism by placing it on an electronicaxis for which it can be turned by an automated steering wheel. There are twomajor types of feed systems used by LPRs; one uses pumps to move propellants tocombustion chambers; the other, uses high pressure to expel propellants fromtheir tanks. On most space vehicles the engines are mounted in pairs at theperimeter of the craft. Normally to opposite facing thrust chambers arecontrolled automatedly to turn the ship. Generally, a minimum of 12 thrustchambers is required for turning. Solid Propellant Rockets Solid PropellantRockets (SPRs) contains a huge number of types of engines. The propellant thatis to be bu rned is held in the combustion chamber. The propellant charge (grain)contains chemical elements for complete burning. When it is ignited, it burns onall its exposed sides. If the design of the grain is changed, then less can beexposed; the less exposed, the less fuel burned. The average burning rate isaround 1.8 cc per second. The rate normally depends on the propellantingredients. The more chamber pressure, the more propellant burnt. The way tomake an efficient SPR is to pack as much solid propellant into a chamber volumeas possible. Theoretically, it would be ideal to burn the propellant like acigar, from one end to the other. For this reason, scientists created anend-burning grain, which has proved extremely successful. Electric Rockets Thereare three types of electric propulsion systems (EPS); the three includeelectromagnetic, electrothermal and electrostatic. They are, in some ways more arocket of the future then one of the present, somewhat like the NERVA project(see next sect ion). In the electrothermal system the propellant is heated orvaporized electric heaters. The hot gas is then expanded through a nozzle theway it is in a chemical rocket. In an electrostatic system, interactingelectrostatic fields and small charged particles such as colloidal particlesachieve acceleration. In an electromagnetic rocket, acceleration is achieved byplacing propellant plasma (a high temperature, electrically natural gas thatcontains electrons, ions and neutral molecular species) in an electromagneticfield thus causing a reaction that releases thrust. Nuclear Rockets Unlike theaforementioned rockets, nuclear rockets do not generate its power throughchemical combustion. The way its power is formed, is through nuclear fission. Itheats a propellant like hydrogen in a fission reactor and the explosion expelsthe propellant at amazing speeds, which exceed twice what any other rocket canproduce. Its efficiency rating is around 850, as compared to the 450 of the nextbest type, t he cryogenic rocket. Unfortunately due to the extreme dangers ofnuclear fission inside a shuttle, the main project for researching the nuclearrockets, NERVA, was scrubbed. Most likely, in the future, scientists will devisea plan to minimize the risks, whereupon research will begin again. SECTION 3 AHistory INTRODUCTION The third section of this report shall begin by indicatingthe steps in which rocketry was created, as to allow the reader of this paper tobetter understand the way rockets work. It shall show the works of Tsiolkovsky,Goddard, Oberth and a few others. The report shall then end in a detailedconclusion. The conclusion will be based on the summary and discuss all that hasbeen written. It shall end in giving opinions as to the future uses of thespecific areas found in the research. Development of Modern Rocketry EARLYHISTORY In around 1232 AD, in China, rockets were created. During the war withthe Mongols, the Chinese would strap an early form of gunpowder to the shaft ofa n arrow. This made them fly longer and faster than any of the regular arrowsthat the Mongols used. About ten years later, in Europe, another major discoverywas made. An Englishman, Robert Bacon, created a more practical formula forgunpowder. He did this by mixing 41.2 parts saltpeter, 29.4 parts charcoal and29.4 parts sulfur. He was able to distill saltpeter, which produces oxygen, toallow the rocket to burn faster. In the 18th century, the British encounterencountered rocket warfare with India. The Indians probably learned the secretof rocket treat from Arab traders in the 17th century. The Indians, who were ledby Hyder Ali, gave thousands of men the task of throwing rockets. The rocketswere first thrown, then propelled itself. They attached an eight foot longbamboo stalk to six pound iron tube filled with fuse and powder. The rocketswere able to fly up to 1.5 miles. Modern Discoveries Tsiolkovsky Tsiolkovsky, aRussian teacher, established that a rocket would work in the vacuum of space, in1883. In 1903, he wrote a book explaining how space travel was possible, usingliquid propelled rockets. He created drawings of possible space ships propelledby either liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen or liquid oxygen and kerosene. Thesketches also show valves to transport the liquid propellant into a combustionchamber and showed how vanes could be created in the exhaust for steering. Healso illustrated the crew lying on their backs in a pressurized cabin in orderto withstand the pressure of such high speeds. Tsiolkovsky also thought ofrocket staging. Rocket staging is a series of rockets that fire one after theother. When one finishes and the other fires, the useless rocket is jettisoned. Data Compression EssayHe thought this was the only way to put heavy objects such as satellites intospace. Goddard Although Tsiolkovsky thought up the ideas of advanced rocketry,still more had to be considered, and it had to become reality. The next pioneer,was the father of American rocketry, Robert Goddard. He first, created a bazookatype rocket. The bazooka was fairly large solid-propellant rocket. In 1919, hewrote a text called A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes. Two years later, hebagan to experiment with the liquid fuels that Tsiolkovsky. In 1926, Goddardfinally launched the first liquid propelled rocket. It was fueled by gasolineand liquid oxygen. It rose to a height of 41 feet and traveled at 60 miles perhour. It only traveled 56 meters but it set the foundation for the future ofrocketry. In May 1935, he released a rocket that featured gyro controlledexhaust vanes which pushed it to travel 1.5 miles above the ground at a totallyunprecedented 700 miles per hour. GERMAN RO CKET SCIENTISTS In 1923 a Germanrocket scientist Hermann Oberth published The Rocket Into Planetary Space. Hefavored liquid propellants, as Goddard, because of their power. Hisexperimentation inspired the creation of the Society for Space Travel. Thesociety passionately experimented with ways to improve the liquid propellantrocket. On February 21, 1931, a member of The Society for Space Travel, JohannesWinkler, launched the second liquid fuel rocket. Winklers rocket waspropelled by liquid methane and liquid oxygen. It failed totally, going a mereten feet forward. Three weeks later another rocket ascended to about 2000 feet. The entire Society for Space Travel began working on two rocket series, theMirak and Repulsor. The late model Repulsors could reach an altitude of 1 mile. When The Society for Space Travel ran out of money, they made a demonstration ofthe Repulsor for the German Army. A member, Werner Von Braun compiled somestatistics for the army who gave it to Hitler. They realized that this did notviolate the treaty which did not allow them to build airplanes. Hitler startedthe Army Weapons Department. Von Braun was placed in charge of rocketdevelopment. Within a few years Von Braun was experimenting with highlydeveloped rockets and was firing them in secret at the island of Birkum. In 1934he created two rockets, that could ascend to over 1.5 miles. After that, TheSociety for Space Travel fell apart due to financial problems. In 1937, a rocketresearch station was constructed on the Baltic coast. Here the Germans createdsuch rockets as the famous V-1 Buzz Bombs, and the mammoth V-2 which were reallyrocket-powered flying bombs. Conclusion In this research, it has beendemonstrated how all rocket engines work. It illustrates how propellants aremoved int o a combustion chamber, and expelled at extremely high speeds. It showsthe properties of efficiency, the basic measure by which all rockets arecompared. It shows how efficiency is measure by specific impulse, which iscalculated by the propellants exhaust velocity divided by g. It has given abasic comparison as to the efficiency of various rockets and has shown thereasons for being at their respective ranks. Also shown, is the pioneering ofrocketry starting in the mid 1200s. All this has shown the basic properties ofspace propulsion. Bibliography the Rocket Engine Specifications pagefrom the Artemis Project ( ) Data Book Orbital Report News Agencys Launch Vehicle database JPLs Mission Spacecraft Library Mark Wades Encyclopedia Astronautica The Space Shuttle Reference Manual Solar electric propulsion on the Deep Space 1 probe Rockets Sutton, GeorgeP Groliers Online Encyclopedia
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