Tuesday, November 26, 2019
s Daughter
â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter†In the article â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter,†(Short Sotry Criticism 192), Jones asserts the question, â€Å"How can Beatrice, with a mortal father on the scene, be an allegorical figure of Eve†(193)? By leaving the question to us we are lead to believe that this comparsion can be made. Even though Beatrice had a mortal father on the scene, she can be an allegorical figure of Eve because Eve was lead to believe that the â€Å"apple†was good for her. Eve was decieved by Satan and Beatrice was deceived by her father. They both were confined to the garden and were expected to tend to it. Jones also contend, â€Å"How can this be the present Eden, a representation of man’s perverted re-creation...†(193)? It can be the present tense Eden because when God created Eden he did so for his pleasure. Rappaccini also created â€Å"Eden†for his pleasure because his love for science. The difference in God’s Eden and Rappaccini’s perverted re-creation was that Rappacini made all of his beautiful flowers poisonous. He created nothing that was good. Therefore , it was understandable why Beatrice referred to God’s Eden as paradise and her father’s version of Eden as a place of poisonous flowers. Jones interestingly refers to Rappaccini as a type of â€Å"santanic intellectual†(193). This is an understanable statement because Rappaccini was a brilliant scientist. He purposely corrupted the beautiful garden and his own child for experimental purposes. Jones implies that Rappaccini is â€Å"Adam†and that Satan inspired Adam. He contends, for it was Adam, inspired by Satan, whose rebellion dethroned the rightful ruler of nature and put into man’s hands the power to rule and to recreat†(193). This is a disputable argument, because Adam was not inspired by Satan. Adam was inspired by Christ, but he was greatly influenced by Eve. On the other hand, an argument can be made that Eve was insp... 's Daughter Free Essays on Rappaccini\'s Daughter â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter†In the article â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter,†(Short Sotry Criticism 192), Jones asserts the question, â€Å"How can Beatrice, with a mortal father on the scene, be an allegorical figure of Eve†(193)? By leaving the question to us we are lead to believe that this comparsion can be made. Even though Beatrice had a mortal father on the scene, she can be an allegorical figure of Eve because Eve was lead to believe that the â€Å"apple†was good for her. Eve was decieved by Satan and Beatrice was deceived by her father. They both were confined to the garden and were expected to tend to it. Jones also contend, â€Å"How can this be the present Eden, a representation of man’s perverted re-creation...†(193)? It can be the present tense Eden because when God created Eden he did so for his pleasure. Rappaccini also created â€Å"Eden†for his pleasure because his love for science. The difference in God’s Eden and Rappaccini’s perverted re-creation was that Rappacini made all of his beautiful flowers poisonous. He created nothing that was good. Therefore , it was understandable why Beatrice referred to God’s Eden as paradise and her father’s version of Eden as a place of poisonous flowers. Jones interestingly refers to Rappaccini as a type of â€Å"santanic intellectual†(193). This is an understanable statement because Rappaccini was a brilliant scientist. He purposely corrupted the beautiful garden and his own child for experimental purposes. Jones implies that Rappaccini is â€Å"Adam†and that Satan inspired Adam. He contends, for it was Adam, inspired by Satan, whose rebellion dethroned the rightful ruler of nature and put into man’s hands the power to rule and to recreat†(193). This is a disputable argument, because Adam was not inspired by Satan. Adam was inspired by Christ, but he was greatly influenced by Eve. On the other hand, an argument can be made that Eve was insp...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Understanding How the Earths First Forests Developed
Understanding How the Earth's First Forests Developed The vascular plant emerged around 400 million years ago and started Earths forest-building process during the Silurian geologic period. Although not yet a true tree, this new member of the terrestrial plant kingdom became the perfect evolutionary link (and the largest plant species) with developing tree parts and considered the first proto-tree. Vascular plants developed the ability to grow large and tall with massive weight needed for the support of a vascular internal plumbing system. The First Trees The earths first real tree continued to develop during the Devonian period and scientists think that tree was probably the extinct ​Archaeopteris. This tree species followed later by other tree types became the definitive species comprising a forest during the late Devonian period. As I have mentioned, they were the first plants to overcome the biomechanical problems of supporting additional weight while delivering water and nutrients to fronds (leaves) and roots. Entering the Carboniferous period around 360 million years ago, trees were prolific and a major part of the plant life community, mostly located in coal-producing swamps. Trees were developing the parts that we immediately recognize today. Of all the trees that existed during the Devonian and Carboniferous, only the tree fern can still be found, now living in Australasian tropical rainforests. If you happen to see a fern with a trunk leading to a crown, you have seen a tree fern. During that same geologic period, now extinct trees including clubmoss and giant horsetail were also growing. Evolution of the Gymnosperms and Angiosperms Primitive conifers were the next three species to appear in ancient forests around 250 million years ago (the late Permian to Triassic). Many trees, including the cycads and monkey-puzzle tree, can be found around the world and are easily recognized. Interestingly, the very familiar ginkgo trees ancestor appeared during this geologic period and the fossil record shows the old and the new to be identical. Arizonas petrified forest was a product of the rise of the first conifers or gymnosperms, and exposed fossilized logs are crystallized remains of the tree species Araucarioxylon arizonicum. There was another type of tree, called an angiosperm or hardwood, making headway during the early Cretaceous or about 150 million years ago. They appeared at about the same time geologists think the earth was breaking up from a single continent called the Pangaea and dividing into smaller ones (Laurasia and Gondwanaland). Early into that Tertiary period, hardwoods exploded and diversified themselves on each new continent. That is probably the reason hardwoods are so unique and numerous across the globe. Our Present Evolutionary Forest Few dinosaurs ever made a meal on hardwood leaves because they were rapidly disappearing before and during the beginning of the new age of hardwoods (95 million years ago). Magnolias, laurels, maples, sycamores, and oaks were the first species to proliferate and dominate the world. Hardwoods became the predominant tree species from mid-latitudes through the tropics while conifers were often isolated to the high-latitudes or the lower latitudes bordering the tropics. Not a lot of change has happened to trees in terms of their evolutionary record since the palms made their first appearance 70 million years ago. Fascinating are several tree species that simply defy the extinction process and show no indication that they will change in another dozen million years. I mentioned ginkgo earlier but there are others: dawn redwood, Wollemi pine, and monkey puzzle tree.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal Journal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Journal - Personal Statement Example However, I noticed a big change in my lifestyle. With all the pressures of being a student and living on my own, I have realized that it was too soon that I have changed physically. Although I am very active and busy, I have gained a lot of weight in the past year. When I arrived here, I was of average weight. Later, when I visited my family last December, I received comments that I have become bigger. Some said that I looked cute with my slightly chubby cheeks, others said I looked more mature (I am not sure if this is a compliment or what) than my age. I guess what they wanted to say was for me to go on a strict diet lest I wanted to join â€Å"The Biggest Loser†on TV. Of course I don’t want to face that kind of challenge and shame (friends here and back home would be watching and laughing at me). Neither do I want to grow old a big fat man. For this reason, I thought of shedding some pounds so I could keep on playing my favourite sport even if I grow older. Getting slimmer could also lower risks of heart disease and other sicknesses. Therefore, it is something I should take seriously in the next few days or months. I have not made a diet plan and I think I need to research on this to find out what I should eat and drink while trying to become physically fit. Anyway, I have a strong feeling that I need to really lose some weight because I am getting lousy at football. My friends whom I play with are better. They could run faster straight to the goal while I lagged behind, feeling sorry for being this heavy. I wish losing weight would be that easy and manageable, something that could happen in a click. Nevertheless, I also know that I have to work out and really face the problem because if I don’t, I would go bigger and bigger and become unmanageable. I swear, one of these days, I’m going to create a diet and exercise plan good for at least two months. The diet plan that I should make has to be
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Voluntary Service at a Food Pantry on March 28, 2015 Assignment
Voluntary Service at a Food Pantry on March 28, 2015 - Assignment Example The report outlines that "I was keen to note that the food supply did not include fruits. Evidently, the fact that the food pantry did not supply fruits translated to an imbalanced diet for the community members. Therefore, I played an active role in donating raisin fruit. The fruits I donated amounted to 8 pounds in weight (Basavanthappa, 2008). It was a real privilege for me to contribute positively to improving the health of the community members. Many of the community members who receive food supplies from the pantry are not financially stable and require the help from well-wishers. However, they deserve to have access to a balanced diet that can help in promoting their health. Therefore, when I had the opportunity of providing them with fruits, I felt privileged because I knew that my contribution was worthwhile. In addition, the experience helped me to understand the health needs of the people especially those related to nutrition. According to my observation, the food pantry seeks to supply food to the needy in the society. They give a special focus to the elderly who are unable to earn a living. However, the pantry also seeks to ensure that the needy in the society have access to food. The qualification for accessing the foods from the pantry is that one must be living or working in Highland Park. Foods are supplied in accordance with the level of need. The food pantry carries out rigorous research in an effort to ascertain the different needs of people. Therefore, the donations from churches, schools, and other well-wishers are channeled to the neediest people in the society. In my opinion, the food pantry had its priorities right because it recognized the vulnerability of the elderly as a needy group in the society. However, the food pantry also supplies foods to community members of different ages.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Everyone Has The Right to Privacy Essay Example for Free
Everyone Has The Right to Privacy Essay Everyone has the right to privacy. This is the right to not have details about our lives to be held or circulated without our knowledge/consent. Data of personnel nature are collect every so often by organisations. For example: * Employers hold personnel records that include data on address, age, qualification, salary, sick leave and so on. * Stores hold detail on credit card payment, accounts history, items purchased; * Banks hold details on salary, income and withdrawals, direct debits to various organisations; * Insurance companies hold detail on property, cars, accidents, claims and health. This list is endless. Modern technology has made it possible to store vast quantities of data, so that it can be viewed from all over the world and so that it can be used to create a profile of an individual. Threats to information Systems Organisations can protect the integrity of data (by preventing inaccurate data entry, malicious or accidental alteration), and simple measures can be taken to protect the security of data form theft or destruction. Data Integrity This refers to the correctness of data. The data held on a computer may become incorrect, corrupt or of poor quality. This could happen at different stages of data processing. 1. Errors in the Input. Data may be keyed in wrongly. 2. Errors in Operating Procedure. An update program may be ran twice in error, thus the master file would be updated twice. 3. Program errors could lead to corruption of files. A new system may have errors in it which may not surface for some time, but they may be introduced during program maintenance. Standard Clerical procedures To protect against input and operating, procedures can be documented and followed for both input and output. Input * Data entry must be limited to authorized personnel only * In large volume data entry, data may be verified (keyed in twice), to guard against keying errors * Data control totals must be used wherever possible to verify the completeness and accuracy of the data, and to guard any copying/duplication or illegal entry. Output * All output must be inspected for reasonableness and any inconsistencies investigated. * Printed output containing sensitive information should be shredded after use. Write-protecting Disks Write-protecting disks and tapes can be used to avoid accidental overwrite on a disk or a tape. This can be effective against an operator error. Both disks and tapes have write-protecting mechanisms. User IDs and passwords Each user in an organisation who is permitted to the access of the company database is issued with a user id and a password. In most cases there are certain levels of access at which employees can access data. Some of the most common password rules are: * Passwords must be at least six characters * The password display must be automatically suppressed on the screen or printed output * Files containing passwords must be encrypted * All users must ensure that their password is kept confidential, not written down, not made up of easily guessed words and is changed at least every three months. Access rights Even authorized users don not normally have the right to see all the data held on a computer. e.g. A hospital receptionist may have the right to view and change some patient details, such as the name, address, and appointments. But they may not have access to the patients medical file. Access rights to data could be set to read only, read/write or no access. This way a user in a company can gain access to data which they are permitted to see and can only change data if they are authorised to do so. Likewise, the computer it self can be programmed to allow access to data from a particular terminal, and only at a certain time of day. The terminal in the administrators office may be the only terminal which has authorisation to change the structure of a database. An access directory can be made, which shows each users access rights. Securing against fraudulent use or malicious damage Organisations are often exposed due to: * The possibility of fraud; * The deliberate corruption of data by unhappy employees; * Theft of software or data which may fall into the hands of their competitors. Measures to oppose these risks are as follows. * Careful selection of employees * Immediate removal of employees who have been sacked or who hand in their resignation, and the cancellation of their passwords and authorisation. * Separation of duties. This is to ensure the involvement of two or more people to defraud the company. * Prevention of unauthorised access by employees and others to secure areas such as computer operations rooms, by the use of machine readable cards/badges or other types of locks. * The use off passwords to gain access to databases. * Educate staff to be aware of security breaches, and to be alert in preventing them or reporting them. * Appointing a security manager who can, with the use of special software, monitor all computer screens. The special software can also be used to record all logins at each terminal, time of logins and the number of times particular software is used. It will even log the security managers activities. Protection against Viruses Steps can be taken to minimize the risk of suffering damage from viruses: * Making sure that all software which is purchased is in sealed, tamper-proof packaging; * Not permitting floppy disks carrying software of and kind to be removed from or brought into the office; * Using ant-virus software to check all applications brought into the office. Biometric security measures Biometric methods of identifying an authorised user are fingerprint scanning, voice recognition and face recognition. One such system uses infra-red scanners to capture the unique pattern of blood vessels under the skin. This system can even differentiate between identical twins by comparing the scans. Communications Security Telecommunications systems are vulnerable to hackers who discover user ids and passwords and can gain access to a database from their own computer. One way to avoid this is to use call-back procedure. This is when a remote user logs on, the computer automatically calls that user back on a pre-arranged number to confirm the log on. Data encryption can also be used to scramble highly sensitive or confidential data before transmitting it. Disaster Planning No matter what precautions are taken, the possibility of data being destroyed is always great. A simple disk head crash can destroy a disk packing a fraction of a second. System designers must provide a reasonable backup facility that does not degrade the performance of the system and is not very expensive. The cost of lack of planning for a computer failure can be ruinous. Periodic Backups The most common way to ensure that data is not lost is to make regular copies of files into a safe place. This is called Periodic Backups. This scheme has several weaknesses: * All updates to a file since the last backup may be lost; * The systems may need to be shut down during backup operations; * Backups of large files can be time consuming; * When a failure occurs, recovery from the backup can be even more time consuming. A benefit is that files which may have been fragmented can be reorganised to occupy smaller amounts of same, resulting in faster access time. It is important to store copies of data in secure areas. One copy of data can be held in a fire-proof safe in a building and another off-site. Recovery procedures A contingency plan needs to be developed to allow rapid recovery of major disruptions. It is necessary to do the following in backup procedures: 1. Identify alternative compatible equipment and security facilities, or implement a service agreement which provides equipment when needed. 2. Have provision for alternative communication links.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Lust For Power: How Politics And Personal Relations Become One Essa
The Lust For Power: How Politics and Personal Relations Become One      The stories of the Bible reveal a pattern of â€Å"ups and downs†for the nation of Israel. A period of prosperity, faithfulness and fearing God would almost always be followed by a period of destitution, lawlessness and idolatry. This recurring cycle can be linked to political authority, and the level of separation of political authority from other influences. The successful struggle for liberation under the leadership of Moses and the glorious conquest of Canaan under Joshua instilled a fresh breeze of hope and a renewed faith in God in the nation of Israel. Guided by God, the nation of Israel met with unprecedented success as they journeyed to the promised land. During this time, political authority among the Israelites rested in the hands of patriarchs, or prominent members within the tribes. These men were righteous figures of authority, chosen by God, to lead His people and to teach His ways. The success that swept over the Israelites was short-lived, however, and for the next two hundred years the people of Israel struggled against neighboring tribes. The new generation of Israelites â€Å"knew neither the Lord nor what he did for Israel†(Judges 2:10). They began to â€Å"do evil in the eyes of the Lord†by worshipping other gods and engaging in various sexual activities. To save His people from their enemies and from their â€Å"evil ways,†God â€Å"raised up†judges to rescue them (Judges 2:16). These so-called judges had the political authority vested in them to lead the people of Israel and to save them from their sins. They mobilized the people of Israel against invasions of the tribes all around them. At this time, the nation of Israel was nothing more than a loose confederation of twelve tribes. Israel had no central authority, which meant no unity, no organization and no power. During the period of the judges, there was no need for a central government, because the people of Israel were able to defend their tribal territories effectively against adjoining peoples. Whenever there was a threat from a neighboring tribe, God sent a judge to lead the Israelites against their enemies. As this era came to an end, however, the Israelites were faced with a much larger problem - the Philistines' military threat. As the Israelites were elimina... ... fighting for it. The judges were sent to lead the Israelites in times of need and emergency. Their leadership was only ephemeral, and thus not one of them were able to gain an exorbitant amount of political power. When the period of the monarchy was firmly in place, however, there was a system of succession of power. Even before the king muttered his last words, there were peopleeagerly waiting in line to take his place. And if that wasn't enough, people were plotting against the king in hopes of succeeding the throne, even his own sons. This feature of the period of the monarchy allowed for the mixing and intertwining of politics and personal relations. The use of women as symbols of power and dominance became abundant as kings challenged the prospective successors, and as prospective successors challenged the kings. Events took place that can be compared to episodes of TV soap operas or Melrose Place. Politics and personal relations became interrelated, and above all else, the underlying reason was power. As people began to lust for power, for wealth, and for recognition, the association of the two became imminent, and the separation of the two became impossible.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Food, Inc. Essay
Food, Inc. broadens the consumers prospective on the production of foods such as chicken and cattle. The documentary was convincing in regards to showing the consumer what manufacturers are afraid to show us, consumers. Nowadays, there are approximately 47 thousand products in a grocery store. That of which four producers have 70% of the market. Food, Inc. had many facts and statistics telling the viewers of today’s farmers and other large corporations in the food industry. It used to be that it took three months to produce a chicken from when it hatched to the time it was ready to slaughter, now, it takes only 48 days. Farmers average a borrowing of $500,000 in which they only make $18,000 profit. Large producers are keeping farmers in debt. Rather than letting the plants and animals take the time they need to produce naturally companies are always thinking â€Å"faster, faster, bigger, bigger†. Candy, chips, pop, and hamburgers from McDonald’s are all examples of cheaper food than compared to vegetables or fruit. Although they are higher subsidized, they are low in cost. Food, Inc. could have overlooked the value some Americans have on these cheaper meals. A Hispanic family was shown on the documentary. This family was faced with having to choose between buying medication for their diabetic father or getting groceries. Him, as well as one and a half million other Mexican farmers lost their jobs due to larger corporations and with all the debt that is due, they don’t have a lot of money for the quality of food they may want. Food, Inc. however did overemphasize all the negative larger companies were doing to farmers, as well as animals. Some interesting facts are as follow: at a slaughter house located in Tar Heel, 32,000 pigs are slaughter a day; that’s 2,000 per hour. If a plant is always failing the USDA testing, they are said to be shut down. However, the law never took affect, instead, the plants took USDA to court. In 2008, 90% of soybeans did not have the original seed. Although documentaries are usually biased, there were many times throughout the film where a large corporations were asked to talk, however, they declined. Large corporations could have helped their side of view by taking time to conduct an interview with the Food, Inc. crew. Food, Inc.was very intriguing, although it could have furthered explained through a corporations prospective overall the documentary was successful. The harsh facts with the jaw dropping graphics were just a bonus on the heart touching stories all of the farmers told. The graphics of reality was most bothering. The fact that companies could get away with employing illegal immigrants than do nothing when they were arrested was annoying, as well as knowing that a company could sue anybody for anything even if they knew they would lose. Something that was realized as result from watching this piece, is that to eat well in this country you need money. Questions that could be asked are how can companies like Monsanto have all of one farmer’s bank accounts and check written from the last 10 years. How can this company sue farmers (and win) for the farmer’s crops being contaminated against their knowledge. Why did patenting a seed ever become acceptable when the seed needs to be grown and consumed by millions. And why can the FDA sell food without a GMO label.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Jack Welch
Jack Welch was a CEO and chairman at General Electric for twenty years. During his time at GE he was able to transform the company into a very efficient and powerful company. His four E’s of leadership: energy, energizers, edge, and execute are keys to what made his leadership style work. Another part of his leadership style was getting rid of the people who did not work hard enough or meet expectations. Overall, Jack Welch’s leadership style changed GE and companies around the world for the better.The first of Welch’s four E’s is energy. This is the characteristic which describes people who are always ready to go and to work hard at a moments notice. These are the people that are hate dull moments and prefer to always be busy. Normally these are good workers, which sometimes stray from their work because they are so energetic. The second E is energizers. These are the people that motivate others to perform. They are the ones that outline what is needed or wanted to succeed, and have other people carry it out.In most cases, energizers are selfless and care about others before themselves. They care that the group succeeds and are quick to take ownership over something when it goes wrong. However, when someone in the group succeeds, they make sure the credit is given to the person. The third E is edge. This type of people is those who are extremely competitive. They make sure they do everything possible to succeed in whatever they do. People with edge are not slow to make a decision they believe will be beneficial.For example, these people are usually the ones who have to make decisions like firing, hiring, and promoting. They also do not let anything stand in their way, no matter what the circumstance is. What it takes to succeed, they will do. The last E is execute. Without a person that is able to execute, the rest of the E’s will be of no use and will have no way of completion. Also, executers know the difference between act ivity and productivity. They realize a person can be working, but the work may be irrelevant to the betterment of the company.For example, a person could be doing lots of work, but in reality unless the work is bettering the company it is completely unimportant and is basically just busy-work. The E’s are vital to how Jack Welch made his company run and how he viewed people in his workplace. Welch had a way of figuring out how people functioned in the workplace called differentiation. In this way of thinking, Welch described how people should be evaluated in their work, such as that of a teacher when she evaluates her students.This model is used to â€Å"weed out†the twenty percent of workers that do not better the company. He knew nearly everyone worked hard at his company, but it was the people that accomplished productive work that he kept to work at his company. The bottom ten to twenty percent of people were actually hurting the company more than they were helpin g financially. This was a way Welch made his company successful. He did not make it successful by changing what was at the top and going right, he changed what was at the bottom and actually bringing the company down.In conclusion, Jack Welch has a leadership style which was unlike the normal way of viewing efficiency. He looked to the people that were at the bottom rather than the top. Most people have a different way of viewing productivity, where they try to improve a part of the company which is already productive. Jack Welch was able to make GE a powerful company from a different perspective than most other leaders. Internet Sources 1. http://www. epinions. com/content_4565540996? sb=1 2. http://www. refresher. com/! svbfoures. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Perfume with Almond or Grapeseed Oils Essay Example
Perfume with Almond or Grapeseed Oils Essay Example Perfume with Almond or Grapeseed Oils Essay Perfume with Almond or Grapeseed Oils Essay Fill an 8 ounce jar with the flower, spice, leaves or bark. Pack it full. Next, pour in the oil until the jar is full. Put on the lid and shake vigorously. 2. Place the jar in a warm, dark place and shake every day for at least one week. Remove the lid and smell. If the scent is not strong enough, replace the lid and shake again. Check the scent every day until the strength of the scent is what you want. 3.Strain out the hard matter, flowers, leaves, spices, etc. and strain the oil through a piece of cheesecloth into a clean jar. CALAMINE LOTION OBJECTIVES: MATERIALS: 1 tablespoon sea salt -1 tablespoon baking soda -1 tablespoon bentonite clay -15 drops essential oils (use one or a combination of lavender, geranium, chamomile, yarrow, peppermint, and tea tree) -enough water to form a paste PROCEDURES: 1. In a small glass or ceramic bowl, combine all of the dry ingredients. 2. Slowly mix in the water until a smooth paste forms, then add the essential oils. . Use as you would calamine lotion and apply directly to affected area. Flower Fruit Perfume OBJECTIVES: MATERIALS: * 15 drops of citrus essential oil * 10 drops of (different) citrus essential oil * 8 drops of floral essential oil * 12 drops of (different) floral essential oil * 8 drops of a third floral essential oil * 4 drops of warrior essential oil * 2 drops of (different) warrior essential oil * ? tsp. distilled water * 5 tsp 80 proof vodka or other alcohol * Glass bottle with stopper PROCEDURE: 1. Choose the scents you want to use.When you make a perfume, you have to choose three categories of scent: the top note is usually a fruity and fresh citrus scent, the first thing you smell, but it only lasts a few seconds before it gives way to the middle scent, usually a floral scent. This only lasts a few seconds longer than the top note and is meant to blend the top and bottom notes together. Then comes the bottom note, a warrior scent, which lasts the longest. Citrus can be something like lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime or bergamot. The floral note can include scents like jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, germanium, freesia, peony and iris.The bottom notes include woodsy scents like sandalwood, musk, vanilla, oakmoss, heliotrope, amber, moss, clove and vetiver. See the Resources section for websites helpful in choosing a fragrance. 2. Mix the oils and the alcohol. Start with the vodka (or other alcohol) and add one drop of oil at a time. Mix each drop in before adding another drop. When you have mixed all the oil and all the vodka together, let it sit without moving or mixing it for 48 hours. This is important to allow the perfume to mix properly. 3. Add the water. After the alcohol and oil mix has had a chance to sit, add the distilled water.Again, add it slowly and give it a chance to blend with the rest of the mixture. Once the water has been added to your perfume, let it sit again. Like wine, it needs to sit and mature; for perfume, it takes about three weeks. 4. Filter the perfume mixture. Once the perfume has had time to mature, filter it through a coffee filter and into a colored glass bottle with a stopper. Remove any sediment that has formed. CITRUS SPRAY OBJECTIVES: INGREDIENTS: * Distilled or spring water * Citrus fruits (choose oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit etc. s you prefer) – just be aware that some have nicer scents than others so do smell tests before you decide to use the fruit in question; also be aware that the time of the season can affect the fragrance * Few drops pure alcohol as preservative. * Jar with a lid, sterilized prior to use * Vegetable grater, or knife * Cheese cloth or coffee filter * Container for the finished perfume PROCEDURE: 1. Assemble the necessary ingredients 2. Pour the water into the jar. Set to one side. 3. Remove as much of the peel from the citrus fruit as you can.Use either thevegetable peeler or the knife and focus on getting down to the pith when peeling but not into the pith. 4. Drop the citrus fruit peels into the jar of water. 5. Tightly fasten the lid. Set the jar aside in a cool, dry place. 6. Shake the jar and sniff it every day. Allow it to sit at least overnight before testing. Once the spray has taken on a fragrance you like, go ahead and strain the water through a cheesecloth or coffee filter into a spray bottle. 7. Use the citrus spray. Once you have the desired smell, spritz on yourself, in the air or onsachets for a quick citrus pick-me-up.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Types of Solids and How to Categorize Them
Types of Solids and How to Categorize Them In the broadest sense, solids may be categorized as either crystalline solids or amorphous solids. Most specifically, scientists typically recognize six main types of solids, each characterized by specific properties and structures. Ionic Solids Ionic solids form when electrostatic attraction causes anions and cations to form a crystal lattice. In an ionic crystal, each ion is surrounded by ions with an opposite charge. Ionic crystals are extremely stable because considerable energy is required to break ionic bonds. Metallic Solids The positively charged nuclei of metal atoms are held together by valence electrons to form metallic solids. The electrons are considered delocalized because they arent bound to any particular atoms, as in covalent bonds. Delocalized electrons can move throughout the solid. This is the electron sea model of metallic solids- positive nuclei float in a sea of negative electrons. Metals are characterized by high thermal and electrical conductivity and are typically hard, shiny, and ductile. Examples: Almost all metals and their alloys, such as gold, brass, steel. Network Atomic Solids This type of solid is also known simply as a network solid. Network atomic solids are huge crystals consisting of atoms held together by covalent bonds. Many gemstones are network atomic solids. Examples: Diamond, amethyst, ruby. Atomic Solids Atomic solids form when weak London dispersion forces bind the atoms of cold noble gasses. Examples: These solids are not seen in everyday life since they require extremely low temperatures. An example would be solid krypton or solid argon. Molecular Solids Covalent molecules held together by intermolecular forces form molecular solids. While the intermolecular forces are strong enough to hold the molecules in place, molecular solids typically have lower melting and boiling points than metallic, ionic, or network atomic solids, which are held together by stronger bonds. Example: Water ice. Amorphous Solids Unlike all of the other types of solids, amorphous solids do not exhibit a crystal structure. This type of solid is characterized by an irregular bonding pattern. Amorphous solids may be soft and rubbery when they are formed by long molecules, tangled together and held by intermolecular forces. Glassy solids are hard and brittle, formed by atoms irregularly joined by covalent bonds. Examples: Plastic, glass.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Writing competency Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Writing competency Exam - Essay Example By looking at my final paper I think you can see that I have improved in both the things I wanted to when I started the class. For starters, I did quite a lot of research, collecting a total of 11 sources from a variety of different places. These sources covered a number of topics, but also got specific, showing that I was able to understand both the broad picture and the details in my research for the paper. For instance, the sources I got at the beginning of the paper covered the topic from a general perspective, as shown by Kingsolver’s quotes on the different ideas about problems caused by technology. But then, I was able to use several articles from different places to show how widespread these concerns were. Also, even though the topics they covered are not identical, I was able to show enough information so that the reader of my paper got a good idea of each issue and showed how it related to the whole. One other reason for this working is because I organized the paper in a way that went from general to specific before going back to general again. I started with an argument that technology can cause problems as well as solve them. Then, I discussed Kingsolver’s article on the issue. After this, I used specific examples, one after the other, that supported my argument. Finally, in the conclusion of the paper, I briefly talked about what the examples meant before using them to drive home my first argument. I think that this shows I have met the goals I set for myself. However, even though I have improved I think I would like to get even better before I were to start work. For instance, in my future papers I would like to use more books and articles from journals written by professional scholars. That way, I could get even more specific and make an even better argument. I think I can also work on the way I organize my paragraphs and ideas a bit more. In short, even though I may still have a ways to
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